Sunday, August 31, 2008


Damn! I haven't posted in a few days because I've been getting home at around 1:30 for two days now. Just to let you all know, I am no longer an Atheist. I am a Toddist, you know, as in Josh Todd? BECAUSE HE IS FUCKING GOD!
*ehem* Yes. At Cruefest, he took off his shirt! And I was like OMFG! Of course, Cruefest consisted of more than Buckcherry, but I saw my God. None of you Catholics can say that, can you. Hmph.
Ok, I'm not trying to shove my religion down your throats, or dissing yours if that is it, but what can I say. I'm proud of my newly founded religion. Don't mess.
Anyway, I am officially now a second hand stoner. There were so many people smoking around us, that I was like "Man!"Jon had his neck like a freakin girrafe trying to get high lol. Crazy Bitch ended up being a 12 minute song because he told us what a crazy bitch was. For example, and I quote to the best of my memory: "When you're tapping it from behind, and she reaches back under you and TICKLES YOUR BALLS!" haha, now I keep saying "Tickly balls" to my aunt. I haven't gotten slapped yet!
Oh, and guess how awesome of a sister I am. I taped Tommy Lee's (also very hot, but not quite as godly as Josh) Titty Cam for Matt. I was a little mortified, but I'm just that great. I know.

Ok, now on to Journey. I was a little wiped out from Cruefest, but I was with a bunch of drunk adults so it was quite entertaining lol. I didn't know any of Hart or Cheap Trick, but TODD did the new Journey guy sound just like the old one. And he dance's funny lol. We all hung out in the parking lot, but it was cold so me and Jon (my cousin by the way) just huddled up agains the car for warmth.
Oh, did I tell you there weren't any camera's allowed? No? Well there weren't and it pissed me off. I would of gotten some great shots but NOOOOO. Well, I'm sure the Other Courtney want's to read about my misadventures before telling me about her heart to heart with my brother. Hmm... o_O

Thursday, August 28, 2008

[Insert Creatively Genious Title Here]

That was one kick ass title, wasn't it? It was. Don't answer. That was rhetorical. Yeah.

Uh, anyway. Whats with you people (and yes I know that's basically just the OTHER Courtney) and not leaving comments? If I have a strange day or an awesome blog title, TELL ME! Haha, ok. I guess I can't force you to care *wipes tear* about what I FEEL IS IMPORTANT! Probably not... WELL I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU EITHER! Ok, I do. I'M SORRY! (that I'm addicted to caps lock *achoo*)

Um... On the other hand, my day was relatively less boring. I got some responces from strangers who want to help me with my friend issue. And... OH! I slept until 12:45, which was strange because I went to bed relatively early, I think... 2ish? I could of sworn it was earlier, but I remember Home Movies being on tv and turning off so I didn't ruin the show, which has happened before, but McGirk was on stage so it was last night. My theory is that I was having a strange, yet cool dream that I didn't want to interupt. Here's what I remember, which isn't much because my memory leaked from the WOUND OF YOUR NOT CARINGNESS!: *ehem*

Ok, I think I was a vampire... but I do remember missing my bus stop and seeing Gregory get on the bus... He was so cute! His first day of school! Oh! I'm getting distracted. Um, yeah. And I only remember getting in the sun and burning up... Ok, I guess that wasn't much of a description, but it leads me onto another subject.

I just finished the 3rd Vampire Diaries book. And I don't want to read the fourth now. I didn't like the ending and I'm not going to spoil it, but I don't see how the story can go on! You know? But my anger at the ending made me want to write, so I pumped out another few pages to Leanne. Not much, but I really want to work on Echo right now, and I'm not very inspired on my other stories, although Leanne is going well. Well, I suppose I'll read the fourth book, just to see what happened, but I am NOT happy.

See ya later.
Comment before I forget my other dreams.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Snap, Crackle, Pop

Did the song just pop into your head? Haha, pop! I didn't even mean to do that lol. Anyway, today was pretty lame. However, I did get addicted to "COD" or Call of Duty 4. See? I even use the lingo. Uh, and in my addictiveness, I got to shoot my cousin in the face with a shotgun. "Violence is not the answer." F YOU. You know what? If violence wasn't the answer, why do they teach us in school that the whole world solves all of it's problems with WAR????? Yeah, good point huh. Society Sucks. That's my Go-To message of the day, go shoot people in the face on videogames. It makes you feel good.

Oh yeah, I totally neglected to mention last night... Sorry Jess, I'm watching TV and getting distracted lol. Jess was at my house and she got a taste of my family and all of it's... wonderful?... strangeness. Now you know where I get it from. We played COD (not her thing lol) and I got very hyper and determined that I need to buy a top hat so I can look like Slash. Muahaha. Ok, that's it for now. Bye!


Monday, August 25, 2008

*grumble grumble*

Ok, I have a friend I love very much (as a friend) but I don't know what to do. She's kind of... I'm not gonna say, but I don't know how to tell her without her getting upset or offended. I've mentioned it jokingly but... I just don't want her to get hurt, and I think that this thing might do it. Now I'm caught up in it, and I don't want to be because I have to lie and I don't like doing that. Then again, I want to help said friend, but I don't think it's a good thing to be helping her with. *Sigh* So I blog lol.

Anyway, I'm writing on Leanne again, and it's been a while since I've worked on it. I lost it once, but it kind of worked out better because I started it over and am using a more personal approach, not like the situations, but before I had the characters in a setting I knew nothing about. Makes writing pretty damn hard lol.

Ok, that's about it. My cousin is here playing xbox with matt so there's not much else for me to say. Although I did get a bit uncomfortable helping matt with something. Aye...


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bliggedy Bloggins

That was my Mrs. Terbush impression, but I wrote Bliggedy Bloggins instead of Flippety Floppins. Look at that word play! Yeah, be impressed.


I went school shopping with my dad today, and we got along suprisingly well. Normally we don't talk as much, but we did today and I tried Ahi Tuna. Fancy sounding, huh. Yeah, I know, I'm that cool.

Not only did I buy school supplies, I bought $75 worth of CDs. I got five, you want to know which ones? Sure you do.
1) Buckcherry-15. I went to look for The Maine first, but I was a little blind so I missed that round one.
2) Buckcherry-Buckcherry. That was right behind the first one. I got all excited because both were uncensored. I mean really, is there any point listening to it without the curses and sexual inuendos?
3)Maroon 5-It Won't Be Soon Before Long. This was next I believe. I was proud of myself because after the concert at Bethel, I said to myself "That was so amazing, I don't even feel like ripping them off with Limewire. They deserve the money" and I did as I promised.
4)Rent-Original Soundtrack. This was an impulse. My dad was looking at Sirius radio and XM and crap and I had an epiphany.
5)The Maine-Can't Stop, Won't Stop. This was my original goal, but I didn't see it the first time. Whoops, but I saw it was cheap from an add online and since I just saw them thursday, I'd buy the CD. It was an awesome show, and the lead singer is hot ;-)

I suppose that's all that I have to say today...

OH! Wait! Buy the Wii game, Cooking Mama. It's fun.


Friday, August 22, 2008

Intro Entry

Ok, well, I'm to lazy to write about me (which is saying something as we read on) so I'm just gonna start from my last blog on a different site WHICH DIDN'T POST. *ehem* I'm ok.

Anyway… Matt (my brother) is home… from what you ask? (or not…) The hospital. At my family reunion, we were riding the four wheelers in the horse pasture. Matt taught me so we went around the trail once and I decided I wanted to go back to the gate at the bottom of the hill. I heard him say “ok, lets fly down then” so I was looking at the gas thingy (that makes you go lol) and I got to the bottom of the hill and didn’t see him. This was strange cuz there’s really no where to go but to the gate so I was a bit miffed. Then I saw my Aunt Paige running at me shouting “what the fuck! Why are you leaving him there!” and I was like “where? What?” and my cousin Corey said “We came to get you” and I was like “WHY!” and it turns out that Matt had crashed into a tree.

All in all, he’s ok now. He snapped his femur into two and has a metal rod in his leg. No sports for him, and he can’t go to Cruefest. He was in the hospital for four days and is now sleeping in my mom’s bed.

Why the emo mood then? I feel like a selfish bitch. I think I’m a bit jealous about all the attention he’s getting, but not because I want to be waited on and moved when I need to and stuff, but my mom was talking about why she was crying while my brother was just sitting there, and how when someone’s child gets hurt, how hard it is and I’m thinking “what about me? I’ve been asking for a freaking DOCTERS VISIT for what, fifteen months now? I’m not asking to be rushed off to the emergency room, and I know perfectly well that Matt needed to go to a hospital immediately (his leg was HUGE!) but I’ve been asking for a long time to. Therefore, I feel like my jealousy is at least a tiny bit plausible, but when I think about it I feel selfish. He didn’t ask for this, and he’s in a lot of pain now and needs help with the simplest thing. But don’t I deserve to not be hurt too?

*sigh* anyway, that’s why I’m all emo today. I’m selfish because I don’t want to be in pain either. Is that so wrong? Anyway, I’ll try to start writing more often again. G’night!
