Friday, October 2, 2009

Been a while

So it's been forever. I think this is mainly because it would hurt to much to read past posts. Long story short, James dumped me. For my best friend. After he got laid once more. He's a fucking asshole who deserves to drop off the face of the earth. Either way, I'm not letting it bother me anymore. I've moved on. He means nothing to me, but it still hurts to know i was once happy. Either way I figured I could start this up again. Might as well, although people actually read my Tumblr because it's the longest blog I've had, and the most personal. It's like a little piece of me. So this is just a little post to say I'm gonna try to keep up with this again. It's time to let go.

You're sorta optomistic friend,

Monday, August 3, 2009

I Love/Hate the Rocket Summer

Ok, I really do love their music, but their songs have a habit of relating to stuff and making me cry lol. Here, I'll post a link to my tear-filled songs:

This one is making me sad now

And this made me start to cry a few weeks ago.

*Sigh* I hate myself so much sometimes but I suppose that as long as he doesn't hate me I can deal with myself.

You're _____ friend,

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm sick of it.

Idek what to say... but i'm so upset with myself. I'm sick of not giving a shit how i feel and watching out for everyone else. I'm sick of staring at the fucking word documents that have been in the same place for weeks. I'm sick of needing to write so badly yet not being able to. I'm sick of staring failure in the face constantly. I'm sick of being so fucking afraid of EVERYTHING. I'm sick of being over-emotional, yet hiding it. I'm sick of lying to spare someone else. I'm sick of wishing for people to notice when there's something wrong so that i can find something else to complain about. I'm sick of being so afraid of bull shit to ask for something i deserve. I'm sick of saying something and doing something else. I'm sick of not knowing. I'm sick of letting everyone down. I'm sick of being let down. I'm sick of being jealous that other people are happy. I'm sick of feeling like i'm going to cry but not. I'm sick of these stupid commercials that i've seen a thousand times. I'm sick of forgetting. I'm sick of lying. I'm sick of hitting the delete button. I'm sick of correcting people's bad english because it annoys me. I'm sick of dirty dishes that i get yelled at for not doing. I'm sick of getting half-compliments. I'm sick of the "good, but ___". I'm sick of having no money. I'm sick of not being able to help people with their problems. I'm sick of being lazy. I'm sick of doubting everything i do. I'm sick of too many soda cans. I'm sick of feeling lower than everyone else. I'm sick of feeling like i deserve the bad stuff but not the good. I'm sick of the rain covering up the stars. I'm sick of my dog shitting everywhere in the yard. I'm sick of being woken up by the barking dog as soon as my mom leaves. I'm sick of not seeing my boyfriend. I'm sick of staying in bed all day because there's nothing else for me to do. I'm sick of wanting things i can't have. I'm sick of these stupid obsessions. I'm sick of not feeling like eating. I'm sick of feeling stressed non stop. I'm sick of having unresolved medical issues. I'm sick of saying i don't care when i do. I'm sick of apologizing when i did nothing wrong. I'm sick of accepting apologies when i shouldn't. I'm sick of not talking things out. I'm sick of my bed sheets being all crumpled up. I'm sick of my bad habits. I'm sick of being me. I'm sick of me.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


So, I'm starting to realize something about myself. Did you know I'm a jealous person? Me either! Like, I'm subtle about it and I don't really let it affect other people but I'm not liking this.... lol. It blows.

Anyway, I just got done failing at finding a cd for free online. This upsets me cuz I'm broke and walmart isn't gonna have it.

Oh! And I got a haircut. It's for senior pictures tomorrow.

Hm... well that's all I have to say now I suppose =D

You're agitated friend,

Sunday, July 19, 2009

At least it's a nice night...

*deep breaths* Warning, you probably won't understand a thing I'm saying but I need to get it out and the thought of writing another emo, depressing, from-the-heart poem sickens me.

I'm sorry, okay? It's not my fault this time and when I woke up, I though "Yay." Then a few minutes later I said "shit". And you know what? I knew, as soon as it happened, that the first thing that you would say is "it's always something" and guess what, you did. And I don't even know what to do about it because I feel horrible and like a giant let down. That's all I've been lately is a dissapointment to everyone and I hate not being good enough. Because you deserve better than me. Although in all fairness, it isn't my fault, and I don't think I deserve to feel like this right now. For the second night in a row. "always something" I'm not just looking for excuses, okay? And apparently you have no faith in me, and no trust in me, so whenever I promise you something you're not going to care because you'll expect me to dissapoint you once more, like I always do. Last night was very difficult for both of us I think, and I'm not sure if it carried into today for you too but I sure as hell still feel miserable. Then this has to go an happen, and I don't even have anyone to talk to about it because it's fucking two o'clock in the morning. Maybe I just won't log on tomorrow, although we all know I won't do that because even something that might do me good because I need a mental break isn't going to happen. I'm even dissapointing myself, but I'm at least used to that.


I think I'm going to lay out in the yard and look up at the stars for awhile...

Friday, July 17, 2009


Todd am I stressed. It's just... I don't even know, and that's the worst part. There's so much bothering me that it's all getting mixed up. Some things I just can't explain and some things I can. I just feel pretty miserable. It's just so much is going on, and I feel so much pressure about the now and the future and I feel like I can't handle it. I wrote two poems though... but they're retarded and emo. Oh well... lets see if i can manage to smile by the end of the night...

You're... *sigh*.... friend



Sorry, I'm having a pretty terrible day. The above thing, I'd rather not get into... but everyone always tells me that my priorities suck and need to be set straight, and the one person I thought would get it doesn't. Right now, I feel more alone than I have in a long time and I'm depressed and upset and I don't know what I want, or what to do, and my mother is ruining the one good thing I have, the only good thing I have, and I don't know how to tell my good thing that he should come first because without him I would probably kill myself. I'm just always screwing up a lot lately and I'm sick of always feeling guilty and cowardly. You want me to have more confidence? Well guess what, I want more confidence too because contrary to apparently popular belief, being afraid of EVERYTHING isn't as much fun as it must sound, and you want to know what else? It's not as easy to change your entire personality as everyone seems to think. I don't want to be this way, and these little chats aren't boosting my confidence so please don't turn on me, not when I need you the most.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

81. Wow.

This is my 81st post... which either means yay I've committed or wow I need a life (don't answer that one btw). So I have been texting James from my now very clean room *gasps*. See, I was going to invite James over tonight and figured I'd clean my room for brownie points. Then he said he didn't want to listen to my mom's lecture right now (I totally don't blame him) so he's not gonna come. And he just told me a seven month old baby got kidnapped at Walmart today. It's scary when things like that happen here. But yeah, I'm pissed cuz my mom is ruining the last two months i have before he leaves for college which sucks. And i was feeling emo so I started to clean to distract myself and now I have a shiny floor haha.

That's it for now I think. Kinda don't feel like this.

You're angered friend,

p.s. youtube won't let me post my video so I'mma do it here cuz I worked hard.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I wish I wasn't poor...

So I got this magazine in the mail today, The Pyramid Collection, and I feel poor and envious. It has all sorts of cool pendants and stuff and it has also re-awoken my desire to convert to Wicca. My friend Stacey, who used to sit with me on the bus, had a book called Wicca for the solitary practitioner and I used to go through it. I wanted this when I was like, fourteen but my mom never bought me the book and it kind of faded to the back of my mind... until today! From what research I remember doing, it's basically a worship of earth and nature (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) and that sounds good to me. I mean, where would we be without it? So I'll have to start my research again. And then get rich so I can buy a moonstone ring (love moonstone) and all sorts of other cool stuff. My cart on the sight is like, $400 dollars haha. Yeah, fuck. So, I suppose that's it for now. I'm supposed to be putting laundry away but... hehe. Oh well.

You're curious friend,

(BTW, this is a video I made from a poem that apparently violates copyright shit and youtube won't let me put it up (freakinxcensoredxsux is my channel) so here's to not getting caught here lol)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


My summer vacation is pathetic. It's 2:08 and I've yet to get out of bed for longer than ten minutes haha. I NEED A JOB. But my computer beckons me, calling my name. "Touch me, Courtney. Push all the right buttons and I do amazing things." And yes. I did just make my computer sound sexual. The problem I have with this is that I'm not even doing anything productive. I'm sorta on AIM with my sister and Facebook chatting with my friend Kyle... I have a story I've been working on open in the toolbar thingy or whatever as well as a finished poem... but as I look around I see a few loads of laundry that needs to be done, food that i've been too lazy to throw out.... I'm disgusting haha, and I lost my remote.... ugh, I suppose I should get that laundry going before mom gets home... and treat myself to Ben and Jerry's afterwards for a job well done. Yes, I think I'll do that... or procrastinate by showing a picture.... um.... lets see..... If I show James graduating and he finds out he'll get mad at me lol.... so..... uh.....

Here's Jeremy getting hustled by an eleven year old lol. Look! Falling money! (I just noticed that)

You're lazy ass friend,

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"Love" =]

I had a dream the other night and it made me think a lot. In said dream, I was pregnant. It made me think of a few things. For instance, what would I do if I got pregnant? It's a scary thought, and I know that I'm not ready for a child, but what would I do? Well I think the main decision would fall with what James wants (although in all reality it should be mostly mine)... but...

Ok. Allow me to get to my point. There are different levels of "love". Me? I'm past love. I've been in love before, yes. James isn't my first serious relationship and you know what? I did love Dillon, it was just a different love. I remember talking on the phone about why my mom wouldn't let me go to his house. I used to say "If he took it too far I would stop him and if he didn't stop I'd leave and walk up to your house". But with James... I've never wanted to commit myself to someone so much. I can't remember if I was ready for a lifetime with Dillon, I tend to fall hard and fast, but I have no doubt that James is the one. I want to wait for him to get out of college, finish college of my own, then move away with him. We could start a family with kids and a yard. We could be the happy married couple that everyone envies. We could argure about the toilet seat being left up and who has to do the dishes. My future is something that terrifies me, something on high shakey grounds with little certainty. But then I think about James and I know that he'll be there with me making it all worth while. So my current level of love? There isn't one. It's not love, it's so much more than that. I have found my place in this world (his arms), I have found my future (with him), and I have found my saftey. There is nothing that can change these feelings. So I wrote a short story once (that I regrettably lost) and one of the best lines in it was "So I've labled it love" because it's not love. I just don't know what else to call it.

Sorry, but todd I love this boy. He's the best thing that ever happened to me and there's no way I can ever repay him.

Your 'love'struck friend

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What is writing supposed to be?

Last night I was really upset because my mother is a crazy bitch so I wrote a poem. It didn't rhyme, I didn't over think it, I just wrote. And that is what writing should be. Pure, unplanned, raw emotion. I mean, that's not what it is for everyone. That's not why everyone writes, I know that, but to me, that's what it should be. You see, there is a very big difference between a writer and an author. I've been having some conflict between those two parts of me lately. I've been going through a lot of emotional turmoil, and in turn I've been writing a lot of that raw emotion and putting it into short stories (which I'm getting better at). I like these stories, but sometimes I just write to write and as a writer, it feels amazing. As an author, I'm pissed.

Of course if you plan on writing for a living, you will at one point probably be writing just for a paycheck. That can't be avoided but it's not what writing should be. That's what I like about not being published yet (although I wish I would hurry the hell up). I can take my time and write something meaningful without agents and deadlines swimming around my head.

So in conclusion, if you are a writer, keep it up. The world needs more of us to show what writing should be. And if you're an author, that's good too, but don't forget to listen to your writer side every once in a while.

Courtney Shaddock

1st for Today

I'm in a blogging mood. Mainly because I haven't been writing a lot and feel the need to produce something. I've also not posted seriously for a long time and a lot of stuff has happened. Now that I look back, I haven't posted since prom haha. And that was even a shitty post. So this will be my update post and my next one will be my thoughtful one.

So I'm reading back and first I'll get into prom stuff (haha three months later). Um, James exchanged a month of groundation for the opportunity to stay at Jessica's so that was extremely nice but I'm skipping ahead here. So we got ready at Jess' and we turned her room into a hairspray bomb haha. Then for some reason I was terrified to go out but I did and we took pictures, James almost backed Matt into the road while a car was coming, then we loaded into the van, said our goodbyes, and took off. While there, I actually danced (gasp because I DON'T dance) and then almost fell asleep in a chair haha. Oh! And James and I had a stalker! Some chick kept taking pictures of us!!!! Like, we were sitting alone in this room with an (unlit) fireplace and I was just sitting on his lap drinking my soda and she was like "What a fabulous picture!" And we played ping pong and stuff. Then we went home and pulled an all nighter (although aparently I fell asleep for twenty minutes without remembering it) an played with fire and marshmellow baseball. Then we walked all the way to fucking NINA's and back. And it was hot and we were tired lol.

Okay... what else has happened... Oh! Band trip was fun. Went to Virginia, went on some rollercoasters and the beach.

And two days ago I went to a Mets game and got great seats. My pictures were amazing and it rained really hard lol

I've suddenly lost my will to update. Another post to follow.

You're flustered friend,

Sunday, June 14, 2009


HEY EVERYONE! (Courtney lol) It's been awhile. I don't even know when I last posted but I figured why the hell not? And I also want to share a kick ass band called Owl City:

It's amazing. I love them =D

In other news... I don't know where I left off.... I think I zoomed in on my screen... whoopsie... but I dunno how to zoom out again haha

In other news!!! OMT!!!!! My dad knows someone whose family is in a publishing company! I'm editing Echo and a few people have read with good feedback. I'm so excited. I might be published before I'm 18 =D

Well I'm leaving soon.... Adios!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Well first news first. I am awesome. I've been working on another vampire book and today during accounting, instead of doing my test, I thought up a title. Ready for this?

Wherefore out thou fangs

*squeal* Isn't it genious? Well it is because the story is like a modern twist on Romeo and Juliet but better and with vampires. Ok now I totally forgot what my other news was... fuck.

Anyway, prom was amazing. The location could of used work but it was with my friends and James so I'm not complaining. Then we went to Jess' and stayed up ALL night. No lie. Then walked three miles to Nina's.

OH! My other news! I wrote a poem today that I'll share here.

I saw it. Felt it.
I need it, yet loath it.
Everything I thought I got rid of it

I ended up back where I started.
It blinked and blinked and blinked.

And blinked.
I felt it blinking... pulsing.
Pulsing through me, fueling me.
My anger, my hatred.
My frustration.

Groaning, moaning, slamming things.
Pens flying, papers crumpling.
And that damn cursor.
That damn blinking cursor.
I hate writers block.

Ok. Oh, and this is a long post but maybe Courtney could help me with an idea: I want to start some sort of creative literary program at school. Like the Amphibion but monthly. Or like a writers club, where people can bring their work and we can critique eachother. I just don't know how to go about this.

Ok, that's it for now.

You're happy happy friend,

Monday, April 27, 2009




It's in Long Island (2.5 hours away from Delhi hehe) which is near the city which is AWESOME. And it's private so I'll actually learn. There's a writing program. It's affordable and there's hope of me getting in (66% acceptance rate) and and and and! YAY! I'm so glad there's potential.

Ok, that's it for now. Prom info later.

Your squealing friend (hope it's not swine flu)

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I have to try to rush this one because I have to go to school but I had a weird dream I want to share.

Ok, um... first I was battling this chick and I shot her with a bow and I got a ton of medalions or something. Then I went to Mitchell Davis' house (livelavalive) for some reason and his mom was really weird and I asked him to help me fix my camera and teach me to edit videos. Then we were putting food stamps on our forehead and they left weird marks. That's about all I can remember lol but it was def. weird.

You're student friend,

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Shot Down Shot Down, It's Just Such a Shame

AHHHHH! SONG TITLE! Haha, just when you thought I got over it. But it is relative.

So my after-prom plans were just murdered. We were all gonna go to Jess' and have a huge bonfire then maybe sleep in the camper (maybe). Mind you, I had no intentions of doing..... yeah.... but I was looking forward to sleeping next to James sooooooo much! You all have no idea. I think it's for two reasons:
A) He's so warm and soft and I would just love to be in his arms all night
B) I want to wake up next to him.

That must be the ultimate feeling, waking up next to the one you love. It's like your dream just keeps going on!


His mom said no.

So now I'm sad.

And hitting the Enter key too much.



Ok... enough of that for now. No more "entering" until it's "signing off". Um, as honestly depressed as I am that my plans and dreams and hopes and.... anyway.... were shattered, I still can't wait till Saturday and James is making me feel better (I'm actually smiling!) So yeah.... I'm gonna continue with my short-lived happiness for the night. Goodnight All!


P.S. I guess I lied about the whole no more enters, but instead of stabbing I'd like to rebuke my statement and make it shooting. My dad let us shoot his pistol today and it was AWESOME!

Post Seventy!

Ok, well I just woke up. Actually I've been awake for a few minutes but I was trying to get back to bed until James signed on, when I decided to get up. Which was pointless because the conversation isn't really getting anywhere because he's cleaning.

Anyway, I'm going to try to remember my weird dream. Uh, there was a stage and me, plus five other people were there. I hated one of them and we were always doing weird things for the audience. When we were running out of ideas I saw a box of vegatables and decided we should have a mock sword fight (the carrots were a hint). But when I got to the box all the good veggies were gone so Bekah and I split up her shoes and used that until I found a ruler.... then I was on a beach and my grandma was trying to be my friend but in the end she ended up sniping me.

Ok lol, I'll talk about Cooperstown later because I didn't have the energy for it last night... or now.

Your needing to pee friend,

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm trying to make a mobile post but I think I'll keep it short.

So I'm in the car and on my way for this thing for my dad'

This mobile text message is brought to you by AT&T

Friday, April 17, 2009


Ok, I have no idea why but I feel shitty. Not like sick (although that's been on and off) but just shitty. I feel very melancholy and kinda worthless. There's no reason for it but I do... Maybe because this "family" outing is probably gonna suck tomorrow. I'm going to Cooperstown and then to Howes Cavern. I just hate how I don't fit in anywhere (except I fit perfectly with James haha. Another story for another time).

In other news, I helped Jess sell t-shirts at this Uncle Rock thing. Uncle Rock is really Robert Warren, and he's a pretty cool dude. We all ate dinner backstage and we were all talking. I bragged a little about finishing my book already lol but I had too. I didn't really help out with the actual selling of the t-shirts because my dad doesn't like to wait so... yeah...

I don't feel much like doing this.... Adios,

You're doodled on friend,

Thursday, April 16, 2009

*Sad Face*

Ok, I really suck at comforting people. Courtney, here's a public (i almost wrote pubic haha), world-wide HUG for you. This lady at school died (I don't know who she is and I feel like a giant douche) and a lot of people are upset about it. Ugh, why must I be so socially awkward? Wow. And I was just randomly thinking of why James wasn't on (haha, he signed in as I typed this) and suddenly wondered what would happen if he died. OMT I'M FREAKIN SCARED NOW! I mean, he's obviously not dead because I'm talking to him now but now I'm all shaken up inside. What would I do? I bet it'd be a Kiera moment.... I'd freak out and someone would have to hit me in the head with a frying pan to calm me down. But who would comfort me? Kiera had Alex.... what would she do if he died? I'd be missing my other half..... *cries on inside* I wouldn't know what to do... Todd.... I should stop thinking about this.

On to spanish class today. We had this REALLY bitchy sub today and god... I wanted to stab her in the eye with a pen. First she yelled at me and James for sharing a desk, then she moved him to the front of the class, then she told me that spanish was more important than my career!!! WTF!? So me and James were singing La Vie Boheme silently and he got in trouble. Last time I checked, teachers didn't have the right to tell you where you can or cannot look... Arg.

Well I'm done for now. I gave myself a lot to think about... and now I'm gonna dream about him dying or something and I DON'T EVEN WANT TO IMAGINE IT.

So here's another big hug for Courtney.

You're stupid, stupid, friend,


Although the night is still young and many things can happen, I'm bored so I figured I'd blog.

Right now my house is ridiculously hot. I'm wearing a really short sun dress and if you don't mind me saying, I love my legs (and I even shaved this morning XD). Prom is in a week (the 25th) and things are finally starting to fall into place. I have a dress, shoes that don't match (lets hope it's true "no one is gonna look at your shoes") a ride, a date, Jess is gonna help with makeup and stuff.... I'm considerably less stressed out then like, two days ago. We just have to figure out what we're doing afterwards...

Ok, well that's all I can think up for now....... But I have this awesome song stuck in my head so I figured I'd try to post it.... or not. I was kinda hoping there'd be a youtube thing... so i'll just give a link:


Vuah Lah!!!!!!

You're anime obsessed friend,

P.S. Nani means "what" in japanese.
P.S.S. I just remembered spanish class but am too lazy to write now. Another post to come shortly.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Feeling Ponderous

Actually, I'm not quite sure what I'm feeling. I'm not particularly upset.... well I am but it's a second hand feeling. I'm a bit tired but that's normal. Happy? Not quite. I get to talk to James but I feel kind of helpless.


There we go! Now, mind you, I'm not feeling all to emo and melancholy, but I'm definitely hating the fact that I don't know what to do to comfort people. My advice is best not taken and it's hard for me to help people. In fact, I usually end up making it worse by trying to make a retarded joke that ends up hurting someone. Hence, I usually just shut up and listen. I don't want to come across as ignoring someone, or mocking them, I'm just a little bit socially awkward in these situations. For example, I've been to one funeral in my memorable lifetime. I was there to support a friend but I ended up surrounded by a bunch of strangers.

Ok, I lied. I guess I'm a little emo too, but that just came. James left and I probably didn't do much supportive talking. Ugh I suck lol. *sigh*

Ok, well I think I'll go dwell... maybe think of something nice to do (besides drawing stupid smiley faces on cookies. Wow I suck =\) I'll go to sleep I suppose. Goodnight.

You're woeful friend,

Monday, April 13, 2009

What's with the dreams?

Ok, so last night I dreamt about.... I don't quite remember... I was in my dad's basement and someone was coming down so I hid in a closet (even though there isn't one)... Then I ran away and was flying over the woods and stuff. And then I was at school at night and we were trying to get it so we could have lunch outside... and I entered a dance competition and did good (that would never happen)... that's all I remember

You're weird friend,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hey everyone! I have another weird dream to share with you!

Ok.... lets see what I can remember from this. It started with going to camp. I looked at my shirt and saw it was yellow and that I was a counselor. I asked Matt what to do and he said I had to sign in. So I followed to his sheet and for some reason had the hardest time trying to write the date, and my name. Then I looked around for my group and noticed that no one was holding my name up so I had to go up to Junior camp and it pissed me off. Then I was at school talking about my desperate need for a summer job and two people from camp (elana and amanda) were there telling me it was too late to apply there. Then I was in music theory for some reason and kicking ass at it and I bought candy corn that turned into M&Ms that i just dumped in my purse to eat later. Then I went to drivers ed and we were riding Elephants and we got lost and were late for our next class.... Then Santa was my father but he was a grumpy old bastard and was building us a fortress that had this really cool rising thing and I had to speak in assembly but the dryer beeped and scared me so I took this button and started to beep out a christmas song and everyone in the audiance had bells and did it too. Then I asked if anyone had it on camera and gave this girl my email address... that's all I can remember but it's hilarious!

Before I depart, I would like to tell everyone of me and Courtney's youtube channel. I write poems and she turnes them into videos. check it out:

Your strange dreaming friend,

Saturday, April 11, 2009

More Updates

Wow. I just was reading through and realized that there are things you may (although probably aren't) curious about.
1) Jamaica sucked. Our plane had two flat tires so we had to wait until the next day to leave. Then on the first day there I got so sunburned I couldn't move (quite literally) so instead of going on canopy top excursions and long scenic hikes, I stayed in bed texting... But there was this really hot guy (sorry James, but haha.... *swoon*) that I sorta stalked lol and I took a picture of him (which I'll post you lucky ladies). So basically, in short, the only thing I got from this vacation was trouble, knick knacks (yay!), a very nasty sunburn, and a $600 cell bill... whoopsie.

"Ab Boy"

I only burned the front half of my body. Yay.

2) I finished writing that short story. It was amazing. I gave it to Mrs. Elberth about a month before it had to be submited and HA she didn't submit it, let alone read it! So of course, I was pissed and I didn't say anything but I worked really hard on it and it could of gotten me some early recognition or maybe a chance of getting into Susuqehanna if I wanted to. UGH!
3) This is a rather important fact for you guys. I have decided to put off publishing Echo because it needs A LOT of work... It's to obvious it was written by a 16 year old and it's just not ready for the world. I want to come out into the world fighting, not with a bad review.... Plus the fact that it's gonna take a lot of money to publish... $2 per double spaced page for professional editing, plus what it costs to print, get a lawer.... it's just too much of a headache.

Um, I suppose that's it. Feel free to remind me if you're curious about anything else and I'll catch you up.

Your sleepy friend,

It's Been Awhile

Ok, maybe awhile is an understatement... haha. But I had a really weird dream I want to somehow publicly catalogue before I forgot it.

Ok. So we were at this movie thing and my dad's lint roller rang (i guess it was like a phone?) and Bethany was like "Dad help, please, I don't know what to do!" So I took the lint roller from him and asked what was wrong. She said there was a tornado and then she hung up (the lint roller?) So then I was really upset because I didn't know if my step-sister was dead or not and I was with James. We were playing with my printer and I totally forgot I was supposed to babysit until an hour and a half too late. Then I went to school and somehow Bethany turned into Laura and I went to this super secret teachers meeting with her mom and she told me I had a passing grade. Then Libby (From Sabrina the teenage witch) was in the school and we were sabatoging her laundry but she was coming so I ran to distract her. I shouted "Ew, you smell like updog" and she's like "What's updog?" so I said "Oh not much. How about you?" And everyone started to laugh and she ran away. Then the upstairs hallway turned into the woods where we had to drag her hamper up the hill. Then Laura came back and I hugged her and she apologized for freaking me out so much..... Wait.... I'm having some recolection of the Neversink Resevoir where I made an airbubble and lived down there.... Ok, sorry, back to the story line hahaha. So then I went to a track meet and they were playing speedball and losing so I jumped in and helped and people started bitch talking me so I did it back and then I woke up I think haha. Weird, right?

So yes. In the past few months I've remained strongly with James and we have had some ups and downs but we've made it through. Yesterday I went to his house and that was fun. Yippee! Uh, prom is in a two weeks and I'm very unprepared. My dress is still in alterations and I don't have shoes or anything. We haven't decided on our method of getting there. We're either going with Jess and Gary, or Nicole and Jamie... Two of my hermit crabs died *sad face* and OH! We moved! Not far, just to a different street. I have high speed in my room so maybe I'll pick this back up. And I got in a huge fight with my mom (where I actually fought back *egad!*) and finally got my doctors appointment. I have Bilateral Patellafemoral Syndrom, which means my thigh muscles aren't strong enough and there's too much strain on my knees. I've been prescibed six weeks of physical therapy three times a week. Funny though, my appointment was like, two weeks ago and that still isn't schedualed..... Ha, how unexpected....

Ok, you're pretty much caught up... I think... So I hope to talk to you again soon!

You're very proud friend,

Friday, January 2, 2009

Chasing Cars

Oh no! Back to song titles!!! AHHHH! *runs in circle* haha. Not for any bad reason, but if you listen to it I'd say it's a pretty significant song. I've been saying significant a lot... such as in my James Diary (4 pages already btw lol. and only on day 2). Yeah, I went out with him for pizza (last minute thing) and he put my class ring on my left ring finger hehe. I like it, even if it's a little to big.
Well I've been listening to Chasing Cars and I downloaded a bunch of other stuff by Snow Patrol... and also Forever the Sickest Kids.... Just a whim.... I like it =]
That's it for now. I wanna listen to my new songs and try to figure out my Sims game and why it won't work *frowny face*

Your Pleased Friend,

Thursday, January 1, 2009

odd thought

Ok, why do they call them superpowers? I mean really, "ooh! a gentically mutant freak!" Come on people, that's why we have guns and science. Really.

Well I'd like to add a happy new years to everyone and to say that my night was amazing. I went to james' and helped him babysit and after everyone was in bed we watched Rent in his room =]. It was amazing.

And then I went home again and life sucked once more. Although I must say I'm pretty freakin smart... I've decided to start a "James Diary" which is basically just a book of things that happen and how I feel about them. I think that the first step to being able to open myself up to him is opening up to myself. I know that for some reason I've always had issues even letting myself even think about certain things so I'm going out on a limb and writing them down now. It's so weird.... I think that society and parents have made me feel like I need to close myself up to everything but what can I say, I never ever say what's really on my mind around my mother. Todd forbid, I mean, that's just a deathwish.

Ok, I'll stop with my insightful thinking. Happy new years everyone and good luck with life.

Your optomistic friend,