Sunday, December 28, 2008


Yes, I know I've been slacking with my blogs, but... no one reads them anyway lol. And it's all going to be about James anyway =] But he's just so amazing!
Either way, I went to Wal*Mart yesterday to by the Sims 2 for PC cuz I've had the worst craving... but they didn't have it so I bought a different game called Spore where you can make your own universe. It's pretty awesome.
Viva la France. Sorry, James thing.
Today I got to see my cousins from Virginia, who are the coolest family I have. Me and Carolyn connect on a level that I don't with any of my other cousins. It's nice to not have to compete with Matt like I do with Kyle. Always competing with Matt...
Either way, Carolyn likes Rent and Anime! HOW FREAKIN AWESOME??? Pretty awesome, that's what. We played in the snow and I decided to fuck with Matt's head.

Ok well that's I feel like typing now. I'm talking to the man of my dreams (who I get to spend New Years Eve with! YAY!) so none of you are as important =] Just kidding, Sisters before Misters lol but none of you really care anyway so... yeah. Bye! Oh, and here's a pic I took in my woods. It's kinda awesome lol.

Your fantabulous friend,

Sunday, December 21, 2008


It's not as funny as 69. not at all because it would just be back to back and that's no fun.

I don't know why I said that, but it came to mind because of Jess on thanksgiving haha.

Anyway, I'm in a horribly happy mood. The only reason it's horrible because the night isn't so great so I don't understand this "happiness" thing. It goes without reason... hm.... -.- Yeah, I've been arguing with James about apples. He feels bad about a certain thing (nonya biz) but I don't think he should and we've been going at it all night. HAHAHAHA that sounded wrong. And there's also the fact that half of my familiy hates/wants-nothing-to-do-with-me but I'm still feeling fabulous!

Ok. I figured I'd share that.

Your confuddled friend,

Third time tonight haha

Well, technically it's the next day so ha. Either way, one more James update. He's physically in pain to and when he told me I almost started to cry. I feel like such a loser but I don't want him hurt because of me. :'(

How horrible. I hate myself.

Your masochistic friend,

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Ok, that's more like it. A short entry to say that I feel so much better (I'm sitting up and eating skittles and now talking about tasting the rainbow). Yes, see how easy it was to make me happy? We're back to normal although I still hurt. I think that I miss him so much it actually hurts, like physically. It's weird, like someone is squeezing my stomach and cutting off my breath. It's causing a bit of clausterphobia but hopefully I'll get to see him soon. Bye!

Your much better friend,

Shittiest in a while

I'm all slumped in my chair and frowny and I would even go as far to say I feel a bit sick.... What a contrast to last night. Last night, when I was talking to James (until 3 am) I was giggling and smiling and something was always going on in one of our three conversations. I hate it when he get's like this, "it's my fault, I'm a piece of shit." NO. Why can't he understand how truely amazing he is? No one has ever made me smile as much, made me open up and say things I never would of. Now here I am, listening to my Kill Hannah in the dark talking about pizza. Please allow me a few seconds to shank my watch *shanks watch*. I give up for now, I don't feel like doing anything. I even did one of those dramatic "toss pen down roughly" thing (I've started to write things out on paper first. Started Echo 2, as of now called Rhythms for lack of better title) So I'll be leaving now. Bye.

Your grumpy friend,

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I've been lazy haven't I...

Yeah, it's definitely been a while. Well today, me and James have been dating for 2 months! YAY US! but i feel bad because there should of been a snow day and there wasn't so i took it off anyway. So, lately I've written a short story called 101 ways to kill youself, gotten my first issue of Writer's Digest, have had some very... interesting conversations with James, played with fire, failed at making a gingerbread house, had a band concert, and... a lot of other stuff. Either way, the short story is pretty good lol and i don't feel like embeleshing anything else. So yeah, I figured you guys could get a quick update while I go write on paper. Toodles!

You're hopefully successful friend,

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Been a Few Days, Huh...

Yeah, well I've been preocupied and lazy. Actually, I'm feeling quite lazy now but James isn't responding and there's nothing else to do online so..... vuahla.

I got hooked on this new band called We the Kings. They're pretty kick ass, check them out. And I downloaded some All-American Rejects, they're kick ass too. And today I downloaded some Sailor Moon songs. Yeah, shut up. Sailor Moon is pimp man.

I just made cookies for James.... lots and lots of triple chocolate cookies. And I figured out what I'm getting him for x-mas so HA. And he told me what he was going to get me (a Columbus Crew championship shirt) but he changed his mind. He says that whatever it is is more useful and more expensive, which isn't nice. Well, it is but now I feel bad.

Oh! And I got James hooked to Rent. He's watched it three times since yesterday. What can I say though, it's amazing. He wants to watch it with me soon so I'm pretty freaking stoked. Ok then, bye for now.

You're lovely loving friend,

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Just got back from martial arts. It sucks cuz I hurt but I'm ungrounded so I'm talking to James and it lessens the pain a little =]

Yeah, James came over Saturday and we were all playing COD WAW (the new one) in the basement. First he stole my controller because there weren't enough (Jon was there too) so I sat very close while he was playing. I'm surprised no one said anything. Then my mom said that we had ten minutes before he had to go. I figured "ok" but we weren't paying attention. Next thing I knew, she's barging down the stairs screaming at me that she's been sitting in the car for 11 minutes and she's been texting me. My phone was in my room! AHH! So we sped home (pfft, we could of died lol) and she told us, and I quote, "I no longer an going to have anything to do with your relationship. Good luck seeing eachother." Poor James felt bad. So I've been grounded until today. Yeah...

Well that's all I'm going to say now. I have a lot to think about (of which I'm not mentioning here) so I'll see you all in school.

You're owful friend,