Thursday, October 30, 2008


Another sappy post, just to let you know. Because once again, I feel FANTABULOUS! Of coure, it's for the same reason, just repeated. Ok, just incase you didn't catch it yesterday, my boyfriend kissed me yesterday. Nothing major, but all the same amazing! Everything about him just feels right.

Ok, past the sap now. I got doughnuts today. Yay, that's about it lol. I'm just to happy to think about anything else =]. G'NIGHT!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Crazy Monkey!

That's what my buddy icon says everytime I type "lol". Anyway, besides the fact I feel sick, I FELL FANTABULOUS!

Guess what me and James did today. You probably guessed right! Well, I hope you do because if you don't you don't deserve to know, and it's not anything bad >.<

Either way, it was really nice. I've been so nervous lately, that just being the kind of girl I am, but it didn't feel awkward at all. Everything with James seems to fit the right way =]. He's also very warm. Of course Matt had to be a dickface fuckwad and rant and rave about how I don't know what love is, but really. Have I ever been this happy? EVER? Maybe I should mention that I always fall to fast and to hard, but I don't see how anything can go wrong at this point.

Well, I'm going to continue having corny conversations, Talk to ya bitches!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


My MLS soccer team is in the semifinals. Hell yeah! I hope we do good. Wooh.

Um... I'm trying to think of what to write. OMT. This writers block is killing me. When it gets to my blogs, you know there's a problem. Ok then, well, I have an illegitamate son named Cedric Edward Amlon. He's a violin I named for the other Courtney. We love him. Very much. But not as much as I love James.

OMT again. I've come to the conclusion. My lovesickness has caused my creativity to block up. Of course it's wonderful how I feel, but whenever I try to write I can only spit out ooey gooey sap. It's nice when talking to James, but I hate writing happy stuff. I haven't written a poem in a long time. AHHHH! lol.

Ok then, well I'm going to go feed my blockage some more. Maybe if I get to sappy I'll puke out some awesome writing material. Good luck me!

Monday, October 27, 2008


I was gonna mention my 30th post, but I forgot about it and don't feel like changing it. Oh well. To late now. Anyway, I think I'm getting sick. This morning I woke up and I was shaking. I've been a bit dizzy and having some headaches, plus the fact that I'm really really tired. I've been resorting to naps lately, which is rare for me. I don't like naps, it feels like a waste of daylight personally.

On a brighter side of things, I hope to hit page 90 in Leanne by the end of the night. Also, I've been thinking about how happy I am. I find myself just smiling now. I get to thinking about... things... and it makes me happy. Then when I hear certain songs (Shake It- Metro Station, Famous Last Words, Teenager- My Chemical Romance) I start to smile because it reminds me of certain conversations with James. It's really awesome that I'm this happy, and rare too.

I'll wrap up with my dream from last night. It was strange, I don't remember a lot. I remember babysitting, and James picking me up from it. Then we all went to the mall and Jess almost bought $700 jeans. James then bought some food but they gave him strawberry milk instead and made him pay 11 bucks so he dumped it. Yeah...

Ok then. Goodnight, I'm going to try to heal and be happy!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's Been a While

Yeah... it has. Sorry, I've been going through withdrawal. What day is it anyway? *checks* Damn, five days I think since my last post. Well, since then I've been thoroughly confused, happy again, on a date, grossed out, exhausted, wired, exhausted, wired (repeat) scared, apathetic, angry... Yeah. Let's skip to the date =]. I picked James up after a day of skipping school at eight o'clock. Then we hung out and went to the movies. He talks a lot lol, but he bought me snow caps! Hehe. Yeah, it was fun. I just spent the whole weekend at Jess's house. I would go into details but I suddenly lost intrest in this lol. It's b/c of the ADD. You should understand. Bye then.

James at his last game! Perfect record lol

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Uhhh. Haha, listening to Metro Station, but GUESS WHAT! It's not Kelsey!!! Yes, be amazed. Oh, I tried to turn James into a vampire today lol. I jumped onto his back and bit his neck =] Kinky! XD.

Yes, so said possibility didn't happen.... That's alright though, it will in time. AND I'm trying to figure out what to do on Friday because I'm spending all day with Jess but she's going to dinner and then we're going to the movies, but what am I doing in that time between? Maybe I'll see if I can hang with James, or if my mom can pick us up and take us. I need to clean my room!

Yeah, so I'm going to occupy his attention now. Toodles!

Monday, October 20, 2008


That's how many times I've listened to Kelsey, by Metro Station. Pathetic? Maybe. Braggable? In a bad way. Lame? Yeah. But I love the lyrics, I'll post them and you'll see... Ok, maybe not. Look it up yourself on youtube you fuckwads!

Yeah, so something may or may not happen tomorrow, but I can't say and it's killing me not to, so don't even ask about it. Either way, I'm stoked. Yes, and tomorrow James has a game, and I can't go but I'm still wearing his jersey. I'm going on thursday. As of now we're discussing the thought of living on an island alone, just spending all day in our hammok. Sweet =]

Oh, and he's trying to convince me to join track lol, but I would suck so bad! Haha. Yeah, well I'm going to go and continue upping my play count and fantasizing about sunny days on the beach =] Sweet dreams you all!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Never Before

This is amazing. I feel like I could fly, but not like I want to try. Like I just got over some horrid sickness and if I ever get it again I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Like I could be in one of those 5 Gum commercials. It feels amazing.

I wouldn't go as far as to call it love, only because I'm not sure if it's to early for that. I don't know, but i haven't felt better than this like, ever. James is the sweetest, most original, caring guy I've ever dated. He complementes me all the time and told me to stop saying thanks. I'm totally comfortable talking to him, and when he puts his arm around my waist I feel sort of like I fit. It feels so corny to say, but.... I don't even know what to say. I just know that whatever I'm feeling is good and I like it. A lot.

Either way, we might all get together at Jess's sunday, and we might all watch movies. I'm waiting for the chance for me to see him again. Really waiting. I think this is going to be a very good thing. Goodnight, and you better comment Courtney!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I love life. I love soccer. I LOVE YOU! Tomorrow I'm going to be suited up in James' jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO LIFE! Therefore, I'll have his shirt, and his sweatshirt on. Then me and jess are going to his game tomorrow. Then psat's ruin it. But I'll get over it! Either way, I don't feel much like blogging.... more like talking on AIM for as long as time permits... So I'll talk to y'all later (sorry, hick moment)


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Ok, it's oficially official.... or not... idk, I technically didn't respond but I'm pretty sure he got the point when I jumped on his back (then promptly got slammed into a locker, and NOT the way you're thinking perves). Therefor, I've been in an amazing mood all day. In fact, I'm in such an amazing mood that I'm to lazy to write more. I'll post another picture for me, I mean you, though... lol. Oh! And I know a whole bunch of people are going to see Saw 5 and I haven't seen any of the others, so I just might casually hint that I don't want to watch it alone haha. Maybe see if anything comes of it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Still in a fabulous mood. Isn't it great? This whole "being happy" thing is quite new to me, and I'm enjoying it. I'm a bit pissed off, but still happy *says while hugging self* I STOLE HIS SWEATSHIRT! He's NOT getting it back. Happy happy happy! I did, however, find out that we're not officially dating I think... First, in Spanish, we were passing notes (hehe) and he asked me if I had a good time Saturday. I said I did and as I recall, he still owes me a sweatshirt. He was like "You remembered that?" He said I could have his but he needed it back by ninth. Then we had another fire drill so... Yeah. Then after fourth, (my reason for being pissed btw, I'll get to that soon. No worries) I saw him in the hall and said "Fork it over, I'm cold." We started to talk while he took off his sweatshirt and he told me that these two people were going to try to hook us up. I didn't know how to react! Lol. I like him. A lot. But I lack something called a spine so I'm not going to say something until he does. Then he said that it would piss my brother off haha. Then I went off to Music Theory (Where I tried an almond M&M. Yum.)
So, during ninth, we were all chilling and when we went to my locker he's like "I'm not getting my sweatshirt back, am I?" In short, I'm wearing it as I type. SO WARM! And he smells nice haha.

Ok, back to fourth. My printer is a fuckwad, and if there's no "Cyan" ink, it won't even print black. Therefore, when I finished that paper I had forgotten about, I couldn't print it so I saved it on a flash drive and brought it to the library in the morning. It wouldn't work, and I was quite eager to get to Spanish, so I left it. I asked Kaity if she could print it for me third because she was going to study hall and going to be on a computer and she promised she would. She didn't. She did the group paper instead, which I thought she did last night. And of course, because my English teacher is somewhat psycotic, she wouldn't let me print it in class and I couldn't hand it in later. Therefore, my already horrid grade is going to drop even more. I'm so pissed.

Ok then. Maybe I'll post a picture... I just have to pick one. Ok then, other than that, good night!

This is something my mom saw, it's funny lol. I love insults that are branched from actual things =]

Monday, October 13, 2008

I Love Life!

I'm sure you're wondering what brought upon this very dramatic change of mood. I would be, being mostly I'm a somewhat crazy and very pessimistic blob of matter most of the time. Well, it's because I had a KICK ASS weekend.

Kay, remember that guy from the bonfire Friday night? I DO! BECAUSE HE MIGHT POSSIBLY MAYBE BE MY BOYFRIEND NOW! How could I not know for sure? It's confusing. At homecoming, lots of things went down. We were practically attached at the hip (well, waist if you want to get technical) the whole time. Then he asked me to prom. And at one point, we were all standing outside, and he A) offered to let me sit on his lap and B) asked me how old I was. When I answered, he said "good, now I don't have to feel bad about dating a junior. Oh, did I say that out loud?" AHH! We sorta danced together too. Then Matt was getting all pissy and walked up to us and said "Arms lenght!" so I dragged the guy over to Matt and gave him a big hug. It was awesome. However, although we certainly acted like we were daiting the whole time, he never once asked "will you go out with me?" or anything along those lines. Very confusing.

This is us. We were both looking at different cameras lol.
Then I slept over at Jess's and didn't want to wake up in the morning because I had, for the first time in like, ever, gotten myself super confortable with my heated blanket and bundle of comforters. Yay. Well, Amie and Bridget joined us and we went off to Six Flags in Jersey for Frightfest. Awesome! Although the lines were a bit overly large, it was really fun. At night, things kept jumping out and scaring the shit out of all of us. Then of course, it didn't help that I don't like people in costume and.... Yeah.... Amie was an awesome hug buddy haha. She helped me through the hard times! In the car ride home, we were all wired. I got pissed off though, because on the way to the car some FUCKWAD was beeping at us. The arrow CLEARLY pointed the other way, so they weren't even driving in the right lane so who the hell are they to beep at me? No one, that's who. We had KFC too!

Then today me and Jess just hung out. Nikki farted in my face *ick* and we saw some wolves or cayotes or something!!!! Here, give me a few minutes and I'll see if she can send me a pic. Or Bryan. Haha.

Friday, October 10, 2008


So I think I kinda like a guy who I think likes me because he's going to let me wear his sweatshirt on Tuesday, he kept tackling me (he even slapped my ass once), and he wanted me to go to his game tomorrow. I'm not going to say who, but... *squeals* AND! Because I have to babysit at 11:30 tomorrow and I can't go to his game, I might try to go to one after school this week, and tomorrow is homecoming so who knows! *squeals again*. Ok then. Well, I'm tired (and not supposed to be online) so I'll check in with y'all monday night (Long weekend w/ jess.) Here, I'll even post another picture for you. Another awesome action shot *giggles*

James jumping a skateboard on a skateboard =]

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I just accidentally kicked my floor. It hurt like fucking fuck. Yes. Plus the fact that I just came back from martial arts. Remember that little Mexican I was talking about? He came back and did nothing but annoy me this whole time. And I'm sore but I did TEN pushups without cheating =].

Josh Todd at Crue Fest. Not the greatest pic. Not the greatest lighting. Give me a break.

Um...................... I'm trying to think of a story to write for school. Instead of raving success I'm instead experiencing some crazily annoying writers block. I think it has something to do with: A)The fact it has to be school appropriate. This "no cursing" deal is kicking the shit out of me and B) There's pressure. I know it's weird because I had no trouble writing a book I know, or hope, the whole world will read. What's a few measly class mates who mean nothing to me? Well I still have a year left in that hell hole and I want to make a good impression on the fuckwads. Hehehe. Ok then.

I'm going to go tease Jess a little more before hitting the hay (Sooooo tired!) so I'll talk to you all tomorrow =]

Love ya!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Group project in english due tomorrow. No presentation at all arranged. Shitty group. Yes, that's my life. Me and Mike were the only ones that worked. I'm so pissed, because we're going to look like fucking idiots tommorow and there's nothing I can do about it. I feel like biting someone. Any offers? (If so do you happen to be a hot, available guy?) Ok then. Sorry. (Because Homecoming is this weekend and I lack a date) Ok then again. Sorry. (I don't want to be alone!) SHUT THE FUCK UP ALTER-EGO! *ehem* it's alright.

In other news, I started another story yesterday. It's about this chick with Psycic powers. It's pretty cool, I hope. I want to finish chapter one tonight so I can print it and show people tomorrow. Maybe I'll post it here too. Tomorrow, if you want. If you don't *wipes tear* YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT TILL I'M PUBLISHED! Or until I see you in school or something (Courtney) lol.

Oh, have I told you all how much my family sucks yet? Let's see. Last night, my Uncle Pat told my mom to Fuck off and to go suck a dick. Not very nice... but I give him credit to saying something I never would (I need a backbone dammit). My mom then started ranting about how I remain neutral in this whole fiasco. But seriously, I have enough drama in my life between Matt, Mom, Dad, friends, school, and my own life inhabitants without taking on my aunt's as well. I don't see a problem with that. Mom keeps saying "So you don't think what he did to your aunt was wrong?" (cheating) and I do, but it's not my battle to fight. She then follows with "when my sister comes crying to me it's my business" So my responce is "yeah, and Serena's like my sister but she's not even allowed to call crying to me." She shuts up. Then starts fighting with me about Serena. I'm sick of it. Grr.

Oh, I had a weird dream last night. I'd rather not post it publicly so if you'd like to hear about it email me. Yes, it's that weird. Well, I'm going to go and finish that chapter. But I might also post another concert pic, which will probably end up at the top. Damn.... Well, it's awesome anyway because I'm awesome sorta not. Enjoy (I know I will).

OMT! I did it! I got it to the bottom!
Anyway, this is Trace. He was at the awesomest concert in the world. I have yet to post more pics from this awesome concert, but I think this is a good action shot. I should so email these to the bands!!!!!!!! Haha, that'll never happen. Ok then. Bye!


Friday, October 3, 2008


Ok, it wouldn't go to the bottom like I told it to. Damn technology.
Well, This is Kenny. I'm already his official photographer lol. He's not even famous yet but I am amazing with the camera =]

Ok. This is my very kickass picture of Adam Levine (Maroon 5) at Bethel!
Concert Pics are deff. my thing.

Anyway, I drank coffee for the first time like, ever this morning. With lots of sugar. Big mistake. I was bouncing off of the walls all day! But it was funny. Ok, I feel like posting another picture because I figured out how! I'm so proud =]. This will be one of my kick ass action shots of my friend skateboarding.